23 July 2011

How to Get G-coins (GC) for Free [Tinierme]

I'll will tell you how to get GC for free  My brother found the way. Big thanks for him~ Actually it was two or three months ago. And it was too late to find out.
Guess where I get the idea to post this? Another keyword at my traffic source!  Okay well, you may skip this part. Realize that I do too much talking.

 ★ ★ ★
1. Log in into your Tinierme.

2. Look at the box under the profile box. Click 'EARN G-COINS' button.

3. Go down and find 'Earn G-Coins' part. You can see all the offers to get GC for free (look at the pic). Learn some part and you can get free GC. Good Luck!~


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