02 June 2013

First Love Academy・School of True Love Lyrics by Kagamine Rin, Len, and Gumi

Title: 初恋学園・純愛科 / hatsukoi gakuen・jun ai-ka / First Love Academy・School of True Love
Voices: Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Gumi
Video Source: Youtube, Nico
Lyrics Source: SolatoSliver at Deviantart


Exercising and work,
I'm guess I'm pretty hopeless at both, but...
When it came to loving you,
The Class President, I must be first!

That's it, I've decided!
I'll write 7100 words of love.
But I don't think I possess,
The courage to give them to you...


Hey, I can see you hiding over there.
Hey, what do you want to say?
Hurry, just spit it out!


Uhh, umm, well, er, you see...
The weather today sure is lovely!
I'm glad it's yet another peaceful day!


Why are you shaking so much?
Moreover, what are you hiding from me?
Hey, I want to see it!





Your eyes should follow me,
Overflowing with an aura of charisma,
My fine necktie is of course custom-made by Bayberry.


What is that? I've never heard of such a weird brand name.
Not to mention in class,
Remove that rose from your mouth!


Hey, how about this Sunday, my dear?


Ahh, I've got classes then.
Perhaps another day?


Ahh, little kitten of mine,
Are you afraid of true perfection?
I can't help all of the jealous stares that I gather.


That baseless self confidence...
I must admit, I'm a little envious.
Hey, we should head home soon.



This kid hiding is a long-time friend, a little nervous lamb.
Could I have some privacy with this sweet lady?


This is really bad! I won't be called timid anymore!
President... this letter, I beg you to read it!

"When the gentle breeze sways your delicate silken locks,
My heart begins to race so fast... and so on."


Your writing skill's considerable,
But she's still going to choose me.
Isn't that right, my dear?


Well, I wasn't expecting this.
And as for my choice... Well, I don't know.
But one thing has been on my mind, lingering...


Stupid days like this one here,
I hope they never ever come to an end...
See you tomorrow, then!

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