28 January 2012

Project Mirai Trailer

Release: 8th March, Japan
Price: Standard version ¥6,090 。Limited edition ¥7,140
Available at: AmiAmiAmazon.jpPlayAsia

26th January, SEGA released a new trailer for the upcoming 3D games, Project Mirai.
In the trailer, DECO*27′s “Yume Yume” is used as the theme, and will also be the opening song for the game. We also see a preview of gameplay which seems similar to Project DIVA, but with a refreshing new touch. The trailer also shows Miku’s room, where you can interact with her. Miku’s room will likely be customizable in the game.

The trailer also shows us many new songs that will be included in the game. Some of the already well known songs have recieved new arranges or new vocals using the Append versions of the respective Vocaloid. Among some of the songs featured in the trailer are:
。Girl of Evil
Servant of Evil
。LOL - Lots of Laugh
。No Logic Matryoshka
。Sing & Smile

See the official web at http://miku.sega.jp/mirai

Courtesy: Vocaloidism

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